2025-2026 Logan Elm Preschool
We will begin accepting applications for Preschool Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year in late Janary or early February. Directions for applying for preschool classes for 2025-2026 will be posted here soon.
2024-2025 Logan Elm Preschool
Students who are Typically Developing
The application period for the 24-25 School Year has closed.
If you would like your child placed on our Wait List, please call Cheryl at 740-477-4445.
We cannot guarentee that openings will occur.
For 2024-2025 preschool, children must be 3 or 4 years old as of August 1, 2024.
Students with Disabilities/Developmental Delay
We accept enrollment of children ages 3-5 with disabilities at any time during the school year. If our preschool classes are at capacity, we will offer placement at other preschool programs such as Head Start or will offer Itinerant Services.
If you suspect your child has developmental delays or deficits in
speech, communication, vision, hearing, self-help,
social-emotional, behavioral or cognitive skills, please contact us.
For information and questions regarding preschool services for students with disabilities, please contact
Marsha Waidelich
Director, Student & Support Services
740-477-4451 or 740-474-7501, ext. 1113